Farms are strength of Economy


Agriculture has been practiced all over the globe since human existence and cultivation through various processes begin. tribe ancient used hunting and got eaten raw flesh like animals but sooner they discovered fire! and they experimented to cook flesh which got them attracted to use cooked food. Later they accidentally sow dried seed into the land which germinated after weeks and yield crops/fruits which were cooked instead and this is the journey to the world of FARMING.

Humans are associated with various forms in farming which deals with variety of types and conditions which segregates them mainly.

1. Bee-Keeping farming

Here, artificially honey is made using bees as a medium to produce it in containers which is done manually whereas in natural process is the same. Hive of bees is gathered and nectar is collected and it takes around 3 to 4 weeks to produce solid honey which takes more time to make it richer in brown color and more sweeter as it gets more time to get older.

Beehive box wooden

2. Orchid farming

Orchid farming is an amazing variety of farming in which fruit-bearing trees are grown in various religions corresponding to climatic factors, nature, humidity, soil, and maintenance. People who practice this type of farming have to wait several years for the trees to yield and mature to produce fruits. It completely depends upon the type of fruit tree which would take how much time to bear fruits and its species. For example; the orange tree takes max. five years to bear oranges where moringa tree(ODC-3) takes only 7-8 months to bear fruits. Some processes are naturally otherwise hybrid variety is preferred by farmers to get better yield at early stages. 

3.Seasonal farming

This type is practiced by most of the farmers to get money quickly and vast major produces yield in this type of farming. Farmers cultivates crops that would generally grow in preferred season and wouldsell it to get quick-cash and this process is repeated for other season where particular crop grows. Crops that grow in winter are known as Rabi crops whereas crops that are grown in summertime are known as Kharif crops. 


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