Dragon fruit is also called 'moti phal', cactus fruit, or pitaya in native languages. it is a tropical-sub superfood. dragon fruit as amazing benefits this fruit tree is a type of cactus which belongs to the south and middle Americas mostly it is marketed as Red color fruit. dragon fruit tree has The fruit's taste is sometimes likened to that of the kiwi fruit. The seeds have a nutty taste.

red fruit inner white


 now let's see, What are the benefits of this amazing dragon fruit...Dragon fruit has calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B, C and carbohydrates, protein, and fats.


1.Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which a patient has unable to stabilize his or her blood sugar level to normal so, it is very important to protect yourself from diabetes most of the time it is due to genetic or hereditary factors. If you want to protect yourself from diabetes type 2 then you should consume this fruit in your diet.

2. Dragon fruit is a rich source of fiber .fibers help our body to regulated blood sugar level you cant feel fine unless your digestive system is on track as you know, rich amount of fiber in this fruit helps your digestion if you have enough intake of dietary fibers you may delay hunger, resulting in weight loss.

3.  high fibers and water in Dragon fruit relieves constipation and maintain hydration in the body this fruit contain lots of Anti-oxidants this will helps your skin tone and keep young will delay natural aging process. use of dragon fruit for healthy hair is no more secret today, we are using huge amount of marketed chemical compounds on our hairs

4.Dragon fruit juice is one of the best option for healthy hairs those who want to lose some weight then dragon fruit is a good choice.this happens due to high amount of dietary fiber in dragon fruit.

5. it also burns some extra calories from your belly rich array of antioxidants found in dragon fruit offer cell-protective properties helping to protect against cancer by neutralizing carcinogenic agents .it detoxes some harmful cancer causing chemicals in this way, you can minimize risk of cancer by eating dragon fruit in cold and moist condition asthmatic or bronchitis patients may have worse their symptoms dragon fruit will surly helps you in this situation.

Consuming dragon-fruit is beneficiary

it helps to boost hemoglobin level in red blood cells. hemoglobin helps to deliver oxygen to all cells in body vitamin c is responsible for the absorption of iron. this fruit contains high amount of vitamin c now we will see, some of the side effects of Dragon fruitas we know this is a super-food containing lot of nutritious compounds but some people reported that while consuming this fruit their stool and urine colour becomes reddish may have loose stool on overconsumption of this fruit dragon fruit is healthy and good for your health but overeating of this fruit may not good for your health.


so we will cover this topic in next blog...until then wait for new one to come
